A Love Letter to My Husband: Trusting in Our Crazy, Beautiful Vision

Dear Evan (or Scott, as the government knows you),

I’m writing this with a mix of excitement and sheer terror (you know, the usual). Here we are, taking the plunge and risking our life savings to be the change we want to see in the world. It sounds like the plot of a reality show, but it's our real life.

We've always believed in the power of transformation - but never said it that way because it sounds lame. This venture is our way of making a dent in the universe. Sure, we've ducked up more times than we can count. We’ve had our "oops" moments, our "what were we thinking?" phases, and our fair share of apologies. But each time, we’ve picked ourselves up and tried again. That’s what makes us, well, us.

Does this sound too good to be true? Maybe to some. But we know it's real. Our dream is tangible, fueled by passion and a lot of late-night brainstorming sessions. It’s not free; it costs blood, sweat, and tears (literally, remember that paper cut?). But we're all in, and I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else but you.

To our future community members: now's your chance to join us while our prices are still reasonable. Our first cohort has already kicked off, and the price has jumped from $250 to $300. Don’t miss out on the next one!

With all my love (and a touch of madness),


Join Our Crazy Beautiful Movement: Be the Change with Us

In a world full of challenges, my husband and I decided to go all-in on creating positive change. We're not just talking the talk; we're literally betting our life savings on this. Some might call it crazy, but we call it passion.

Trust: The Glue That Holds Us Together

Our journey is built on deep trust. Trust that no matter how wild things get, we've got each other’s backs. It’s about knowing that when one of us stumbles (usually me, because of my impeccable grace), the other is there to help pick up the pieces. This trust is what keeps us grounded and moving forward.

Embracing Failure (And Laughing About It)

Let’s be real: we’ve screwed up. A lot. But each failure is a stepping stone. We’ve become pros at saying, “Sorry, my bad. Let’s try that again.” It’s our resilience and ability to laugh at our mistakes that keep us going. Besides, who knew failure could be so character-building?

Calling All Changemakers

We’re building a community of people who are as passionate about change as we are. Our first cohort is already underway, and the feedback has been incredible. We’re inviting you to join us now, while the price is still a steal. Trust me, it won’t stay this low for long.

The next cohort is around the corner. The introductory price has risen from $250 to $300, reflecting the value we bring. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of something impactful.

The Wild Ride Ahead

We know this journey is full of risks, but the potential rewards are worth it. Our belief in creating meaningful change is what drives us, even when things get tough. For those thinking our vision sounds too good to be true, join us and see for yourself. Our dream is as real as it gets.

From the Suburbs to the City: A Humorous Take

Picture this: a suburban mentality in the heart of New York City, post-COVID. We're blending the best of both worlds—community spirit, support systems, and a sprinkle of suburban sensibility—into the hustle and bustle of city life. It’s like having a BBQ in your NYC apartment’s tiny balcony while the neighbors wonder what’s burning.

Join Us Now

Ready to take the plunge? Sign up for our next cohort. The price may have gone up, but the value is priceless. Be part of a movement that’s shaping the future.

In conclusion, our journey is about trust, resilience, and community. We’re risking it all because we believe in this change. And we believe in you. Join us, and let’s make a difference together.

Sign up for our next cohort now and be the change you wish to see in the world.

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